Thursday, October 26, 2017

Day One: Zero-Balanced Arrays drive me to bake corn muffins

So this morning my JavaScript mentor, Tom Kraak, messaged me to say that he is meeting with his manager today -- and that he wanted my permission to mention me as a candidate for the JS dev hires his company is making. Holy shit. The imposter syndrome was strong. I feel like I am nowhere near ready. I said this. Tom replied that I am ready. There was some more "no I'm not, yes you are" back and forth, but the upshot is he told me it's time to jump off the cliff and I told him to go ahead and throw my name into the ring. (I am nothing if not a mistress of the mixed-up metaphors).

Aaaaand then I proceeded to have a panic attack over how I  have literally zero anything to show a prospective boss. None of my projects are finished. Four websites all about 80% done. A couple JS projects -- a pomodoro clock, your classic todo list "app" -- both lingering in the twilight zone limbo of almost but not quite finished.  OK! So! Clearly it's time to dust off my hands and get to work of course first I decide to do a quick code challenge

Codewars, level 7 kyu (out of 8 levels, 8 being the easiest), "zero-balanced sum" challenge. Seemed like it would not present too much trouble:

"An array is called zero-balanced if its elements sum to 0 and for each positive element n, there exists another element that is the negative of n. Write a function named ìsZeroBalanced that returns true if its argument is zero-b"alanced array, else return false. Note that an empty array will not sum to zero."

I was determined to tackle this in Grown Up JS -- no for loops or if/else statements.  And quickly settled on my approach:

1. Check for empty array. If empty, return false.
2. Use reduce() to sum array's contents to a single value.
3. (here's the tricky part) Iterate over the array to match positive and negative values. In a true zero balanced array, each positive integer item will have a corresponding negative integer item. A scroll thru MDN turned up Array.prototype.includes() and Array.prototype.every() combined should do the trick.

SO, I ended up with

which should work, right?

Only it didn't.  And I spent four hours, including an appeal to Stack Overflow, trying to figure out why.

I haaaaate asking Stack Overflow for help. Those people are like my ex -- ignoring the question I'm asking in order to criticize, nitpick and start a fight over HOW I'm asking it.

And they were useless, anyway.  Two hours later, after a lot of cursing at the screen and a break to bake some corn muffins, because at least I know how to bake corn muffins without actually FUCKING IT ALL TO HELL, I finally tried:


Can you see the subtle difference?

It was all in the variable names in the every() callback function.  I used n because apparently I am an idiot.  I was so worried to bits about getting the syntax right that when things refused to work I refused to believe the problem was anything BUT my syntax. It didn't help that the error that was getting thrown in console was

"Uncaught TypeError: n.every is not a function"

Y not?

Oh ho ho hohooooo. You laugh, or you cry. When it comes to learning JavaScript, sometimes you do both at the same time.

Tomorrow I am going to take a crack at refactoring the answer to remove the if/else statement into a ternary. But for now I'm just so very very very happy that it works, I fear to touch one single thing.

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